Disabled peoples Panel 6th June 2024

🔈🔈🔈🔈🔈Disabled People’s Panel – 6 June 2024
Our next Panel meeting that has been arranged for Thursday, 6th June 2024 between 11.00am and 1.30pm.
It will be held in our Training Room at our offices and our premises are wheelchair accessible, has 2 accessible toilets and free car parking on site. We can also arrange for you to attend online.
The panel will report back on what has been done since the first meeting and ask for your views on a range of subjects. It will also be a great opportunity to meet other panel members and to help decide what the panel should consider at future meetings. If there is something you’d like the panel to discuss, please let me know.
Please can you email me by 31st May 2024 if you would like to attend. In addition, please let me know any access needs you may have, if you will be bringing a PA with you or if you have any particular dietary requirements. We will provide tea, coffee, and some light refreshments.
ADVANCE NOTICE: The 3rd Panel meeting has been set for 19 September 2024,11.00am – 1.30pm, so please save it in your diary
Access Requirements
We aim to meet all access requirements, but this may depend on the amount of notice we are given. The earlier you can tell us your needs, the more likely we will be able to meet them.
We are able to consider assisting with transport costs (e.g. mileage expenses, bus fares, etc), but we will only pay for taxis if you are unable to use public transport.
Recruitment of panel members – If you are aware of someone else, who may be interested in joining the panel, please pass this onto them or ask them to contact Choices and Rights on Hull 878778 or email mark@choicesandrights.org.uk
If you are a disabled person or have a long-term health condition, we would like your views.
◼How is the cost of living affecting you?
◼Can you afford to get the care and support you need?
◼Would the closure of train ticket offices or no guards on trains, stop you travelling?
◼Does using the internet make your life easier or harder?
◼Do you feel attitudes to disabled people are better or worse than 5 years ago?
Choices and Rights started as a campaigning group to ensure that disabled people’s views were heard, rather than other people or charities speaking on our behalf.
As well as providing key services around independent living, we are also involved in
◼Policy Influencing
Policy influencing is what we do to influence positive change with
local, regional, and national government.
We want to be a voice for our members and service users and use
your views and experiences to influence change.
In 2023-24, we are working closely with other Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) who think like us, to influence the policy both locally and nationally on subjects
◼The Cost-of-Living Crisis
◼Social Care Charging
◼Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Green Paper
◼The inquiry into the government response to Coronavirus
We do this by writing to local and national government decision makers, elected members and ministers, and meeting with them, as well as writing reports and
sharing evidence and ideas. We also respond to local council consultations on issues
that matter to our members, such as changes to policies,
budgets, and plans for the local area

