The social model of disability and person-centred practice

The social model is a way of understanding
disability. It says that disability is created by
barriers in society which generally falls into
three categories:
■ the environment – including inaccessible
buildings and services
■ people’s attitudes – stereotyping,
discrimination and prejudice
■ organisations – inflexible policies,
practices and procedures.
Using the social model helps identify
solutions to the barriers that disabled people
experience. It encourages the removal of
these barriers within society, or the reduction
of their effects, rather than trying to fix an
individual’s impairment or health condition.
The social model is the preferred model for
disabled people, and encourages society to
be more inclusive.
Personalisation and person-centred care is
about individuals being in control of building
a system of care and support that’s designed
with their full involvement, and tailored to
meet their own unique needs