Being a personal assistant can involve different tasks. The individual employer will have an idea of the type of person they’re looking for and an outline of what they want them to do. This will usually be set out in a job description. Before applying for a job, read the advert and job description carefully so that you’re clear about the tasks you’re going to be asked to do. It’s important to make sure you can do them all, because, for example, there would be no point in applying for a job that involves going swimming twice a week if you don’t like water. Your employer’s needs could change over time or even day to day, so it’s important to review the job description regularly to make sure that everything works well between you and your employer. As a personal assistant it’s important to be flexible, however if you feel you’re asked to do anything outside of what you expect,it’s vital to have a conversation with your employer to clear up any issues and continue a good working relationship


Next Page:Getting the job