Choices and Rights Disability Coalition (CARDC) are an organisation run exclusively by disabled people in the Hull and East Riding area.

We believe that the best experts on the needs of disabled people are disabled people themselves and, as a result, Choices and Rights reputation has grown because agencies and organisation know that when they seek consultation with us, they enter into a dialogue with a delegation of disabled people.

Originally set-up in 1994, as a small campaigning group with funds of only £150, Choices and Rights have become the leading organisation of disabled people in the Hull and East Riding area and have a growing regional and national reputation.

One of our key roles is to support disabled people, and their families, to employ Personal Assistants, so they can live independent lives. We also run and manage the Hull and East Riding Centre for Independent Living (CIL), providing information, advice and a range of services for disabled people, their families, and service provider.


Hull was chosen as one of the pilot areas for the development of Personal Health 

Budgets, and Choices and Rights work in partnership with City Health Care Partnership CIC on this scheme. The work has led to an improvement in the understanding of the needs of disabled people by health care professionals, as well as the development of good practices between the partnership of Health, Social Care and disability-led organizations. PHBs are now an automatic right for those who qualify, and we have developed (in partnership with CHCP) a comprehensive support and advice scheme for PHB users. This is an increasingly complex area, where users may require 24-hour care, personal health care, or end-of-life care, and PHBs often facilitate employing a number of Personal Assistants per person.

Choices and Rights, in partnership with Hull City Council, have the responsibility of supporting disabled people, and families of disabled children, who are eligible for the Direct Payment Support Scheme. There are approximately 800 people who use Direct Payments, and currently over 1000 local people are employed as Personal Assistants. Choices and Rights provide assistance to disabled people and their families to access Direct Payments/Personal Budgets, and give them assistance recruiting Personal Assistants. We also provide on-going support to Social Work and Health staff, especially around employment law issues in relation to Direct Payments.

At the heart of what we do, is our Disability Information Service. This includes advice on any area of disability (with the exception of welfare benefits), and typical enquires range from information on accessible holidays, and the Blue Badge Scheme, through to detailed, specific advice on disabled people’s rights.

Our specialist advisors are experts in physical disabilities, learning difficulties, and mental health illnesses, and provide guidance on a range of subjects.

For more information about any of the above, please contact Choices and Rights Disability Coalition.

Our Disability Equality Training (DET) project, although currently unfunded, enables us continue to deliver DET on a limited basis, with requests being considered on merit. We have delivered DET to a wide range of organisations including: the National Probation Service, the Crown Prosecution Service, Primary Care Trusts, the Health Service, as well as numerous Local Authorities and Voluntary Sector Organisations.

Choices and Rights have provided advice and support to disabled people who had been discriminated against. We have had training in respect of the Equality Act (formally the Disability Discrimination Act), and many of us have first-hand experience of taking disability discrimination cases to mediation, small claims court, and employment tribunals. We continue to offer initial advice and further signposting, if necessary, on these issues.

Choices and Rights are recognised as the local “experts” on disability-related issues, especially the Equality Act in relation to disability.

We are regularly approached by organisations for our consultancy services, such as supporting external ‘in-house’ training programmes, policy development and, more recently, assisting in the development of (Disability) Equality Duty Schemes and Plans. We have assisted with the Disability Equality Duty Schemes and Plans of Hull City Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Humberside Police, as well as Humberside Fire and Rescue. The Local Authority has involved our organisation in all its consultancy work, implementing strategies, and their Equality Schemes.

Our consultancy expertise provides an opportunity for businesses to gain support and advice, on any disability-related issue, from highly trained, specialist consultants.

The service is available for both general advice, for example reviewing policies and standard practice and making recommendations, and for work on specific issues, for example, obtaining quality standards such as the Government’s Disability Confident Standard. We can also undertake work-based assessments, support recruitment and assist with complaints’ processes.

For more information about any of the above, please contact Choices and Rights Disability Coalition.

You can contact us at/on:

Tel: 01482 878778
Fax: 01482 370999
Textphone: 01482 370986